The mission of the school library program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information; students are empowered to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.
Lillian Kelly, Librarian
Library Resources
Login to ClassLink to access Google Classroom and resources in your Library Services Folder.
Borrowing & FAQs
When your child visits the library with their class, they will be allowed to check out 1 book at a time. Each book is to be returned 1 week (7 days) from the day it is checked out. (Example: If your child checks out a book on Tuesday, it’s due the next Tuesday.)
If your child wants to continue reading the same book, they must bring it back to the library on their Library Day. Then they will be allowed to “renew” the book for 1 more week. This can be done only once with each book.
Your child will not be allowed to check out a new book until the previous book has been returned.
There are no fines for late books. However, lost books will need to be found, replaced or paid for. Damaged books will need to be replaced or paid for.
Store books in your child’s backpack. This will make it easier to return to school.
When reading, make sure your child’s book is far away from drinks and food.
Sit and look through your child’s book with your child. Whether you’re looking at the pictures, your child is reading, you are reading, or you’re both reading - it’s fun!
Cuando su hijo visite la biblioteca con su clase, podrá retirar un libro a la vez. Cada libro debe devolverse 1 semana (7 días) después del día en que se retiró. (Ejemplo: si su hijo retira un libro el martes, debe devolverlo el martes siguiente).
Si su hijo desea seguir leyendo el mismo libro, debe devolverlo a la biblioteca el día de la biblioteca. Luego podrá "renovar" el libro por 1 semana más. Esto se puede hacer solo una vez con cada libro.
Su hijo no podrá retirar un libro nuevo hasta que haya devuelto el libro anterior.
No hay multas por los libros que se devuelven tarde. Sin embargo, los libros perdidos deberán buscarse, reemplazarse o pagarse. Los libros dañados deberán reemplazarse o pagarse.
Guarde los libros en la mochila de su hijo. Esto facilitará el regreso a la escuela.
Al leer, asegúrese de que el libro de su hijo esté lejos de bebidas y alimentos.
Siéntese y mire el libro de su hijo con él. Ya sea que esté mirando las imágenes, su hijo esté leyendo, usted esté leyendo o ambos estén leyendo, ¡es divertido!
Standards & Benchmarks
New Mexico School Library Standards For Independent Reading & Information Literacy
Information Literacy and Reading
The student will be able to access, evaluate, and apply information in a variety of formats. The student will:
- develop an increasing proficiency in accessing and reading children’s literature, both fiction and nonfiction.
- recognize the need to find information, formulate questions, and develop strategies for identifying and locating information.
- identify and access accurate information that is applicable to a specific problem or question.
- organize, integrate, and apply information to meet a particular need.
Literature and Independent Reading
The Student will demonstrate an awareness of and an appreciation for literature in a variety of formats for personal enrichment and growth. The student will:
- read, listen, and respond to selections from diverse, quality texts.
- choose and read various kinds of literature.
- competently pursue materials reflecting personal interests.
Social Responsibility
The student will demonstrate social responsibility regarding library property, information sources, and information technology. The student will:
- demonstrate responsible library citizenship.
- choose and share information from diverse cultures and varied sources.
- demonstrate respect for the principles of intellectual freedom and intellectual property rights, avoid plagiarism, and use information technology according to school policy.
- respectfully share knowledge, ideas, and information with others, both in person and through technologies.
Media Literacy
The student will be able to apply media literacy principles to critically use and analyze media. The student will:
- be aware that media literacy is integral to modern citizenship, informed decision making, and healthy lifestyles.
- analyze elements of media messages to understand their forms, functions content, intent, and effect on the receiver.
- evaluate elements and intended results of media messages to facilitate selection for personal and educational use.
- be able to produce simple media messages.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Store
Support our school and shop our online fair
Over 6,000 products including Book Fair exclusives, new releases, value packs, and more.
Limited time only: November 9th - November 22nd
- All orders ship home
- Free shipping on book-only orders over $25*
- All purchases benefit our school
Visit our Book Fair homepage to get started.
*Free standard shipping is available on book-only orders of $25 or more, after all discounts are applied.
The Scholastic Store November Flyer (PNG)
Book Fairs App
Introducing the free Book Fairs App - designed to help you find books for your child.
With the scan of a book cover or barcode, you'll find out the age, grade, and reading levels of a book. Search thousands of titles and find recommended or similar books, create wish lists, and make purchases for books available online. The Book Fairs app makes finding the right-fit book a snap!
App Features
- Reading levels for Lexile, DRA, Guided Reading, and Accelerated Reader™
- Reading Counts (quiz indicator)
- Age and grade levels
- Book summary
- Price
- Purchasing through school's Online Fair
- Videos and podcasts
- Recommended or similar titles
- Create wish lists
- Awards
- Purchase eBooks (Android™ only)
Developmental Reading Assessment is registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc.; Lexile is a registered trademark of Metametrics, Inc.; Accelerated Reader is a registered trademark of Renaissance Learning, Inc.
For more information visit the Scholastic Book Fairs App Website.
Scholastic Book Fairs App Flyer (JPEG)